An interesting month for us this month, including a theatre visit, a fundraising event in Gillingham, a tour of Longford Castle and a talk from a former member of the Metropolitan police force.
A lean month this month, but we did host an enjoyable visit from a member of the Sydney Cove Rotary Club from Australia. On topic of overseas Rotary Clubs, we discussed the upcoming visit of Rotarians from our twin club in Herleen in the Netherlands, as well as upcoming events for the remainder of the year.
We started our new Rotary year with our Presidential handover and a presentation. We also had the yearly Gold Hill Festival, a Fellowship Dinner, plans from various committees and a Supper/Quiz night.
Not a high-profile month for us, but busy nonetheless with the aftermath of the Charity Cycle Ride and the final plans for the Gold Hill Festival and Dog Show to put together. President David is nearing the end of a busy year for the club and is already looking at what to tackle next.
We kicked May off with the North Dorset Cycle Ride in aid of Prostate Cancer UK and other local charities. We followed that up with a talk from the Hilltop Litter Pickers. We ended the month with incoming Rotary President Peter Sale presenting his plans for the coming year.
The big takeaway from April was the 60th Anniversary Celebration of Shaftesbury Rotary Club. We also had our AGM meeting, our usual business meetings, including a talk from retired nuclear submarine commander Tim Green and we announced the winner of the Shaftesbury Rotary Caldwell Award.
A busy month for the Club as we received a talk on Shelterbox, held a charity racing night and inducted a new member in Andy Cole, whilst Shaftesbury School was represented at the Young Chef District Final and the RotaKids club hosted a bingo afternoon,
A lot for us to discuss in the shortest month of the year, including the 60th anniversary of the Shaftesbury Rotary Club and plans for annual events, as well as the great charity worked carried out by The Halo Trust, whilst we also partnered with Shaftesbury School to organise the Youth Speaks debating competition and began Abbey First School’s RotaKids programme for 2023.
We bring in the New Year with our two business meetings, discussing our upcoming plans for the 60th anniversary of Shaftesbury Rotary and a celebration of Burns Night. We also saw the winners crowned for the Rotary Young Chef competition.
We round out 2022 with our last business meeting of the year as well as the Rotary Christmas Bingo, where we managed to raise some fantastic funds for charity, and our Christmas lunch. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all from the Shaftesbury Rotary Club.