Contact Us

If you would like to contact us to ask a question or find out more, email us using the form below.

Your Name
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Please call 01747 852328 to confirm your attendance at a Rotary Meeting.

We meet every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month (apart from Bank Holidays) at the Royal Chase Hotel from 7 pm with dinner at 7.30 pm.

Please do contact us beforehand to ensure there is a meeting that night.

The address for the meetings is:

The Grosvenor Arms 




Tel: 01747 850580

If you are a Rotarian visitor, please note that you can bring your partner or friend. Please confirm via the contact number provided what the format of the meeting will be. The contact number for meetings only is 01747 852328.

Please use the map below to help find our location.

“I am a member of Shaftesbury Rotary for fun and friendship while at the same time feeling I am doing something worthwhile for our community.”
Rotary Member
“My family business moved from London to Shaftesbury and Rotary was the ideal connection to enable my wife and me to become part of the community.”
Rotary Member
“I did like the openness of how Rotary works, nothing secretive, and the information was clear and positive with no hidden surprises.”
Rotary Member
“The rotary club provides a unique and fun way to do good for your local community and also raises money for major charities.”
Rotary Member
“I particularly warmed to the understanding that Rotarians recognised the priority of family, business and then Rotary in that order”
Rotary Member
“This was a unique opportunity in a small town to join a worldwide club and enjoy the company of Rotarians from so many different backgrounds”
Rotary Member
New Phillip