October 2024

11th October – A group of us met for an Italian meal at San Tonino in Shaftesbury. We enjoyed excellent food in pleasant surroundings with a convivial atmosphere. Thanks to Tim Cook for organising.

14th October – Our own Rotarian Martin Sayers gave us an interesting talk on the third successive summer adventure, 23 weeks aboard Celina with Sadie, exploring the Scandinavian coastline.

5 countries, approx. 1400 nautical miles (1600 miles), 60 passages and only 2 harbours visited twice. 7 wind bound harbour stays.

April – Launch; May – Denmark to Sweden; June – Sweden to Bay of Bothnia; July – Aland Islands; August – Sweden; September – Kiel Canal, North Sea and the Netherlands.

Even the land lubbers amongst us were envious of his travels, even though we would not have the sea legs for it. One of the longest talks we have had this year and our Sergeant at Arms reprimanded him accordingly in his own inimitable way.

28th October – A full business meeting with plenty to discuss for the forthcoming weeks. The 120 club draw, funding approval for Circus Bezerkus, Childrens Christmas boxes, and other projects. Rota kids continues to grow from strength to strength with joint projects planned.

“I am a member of Shaftesbury Rotary for fun and friendship while at the same time feeling I am doing something worthwhile for our community.”
Rotary Member
“My family business moved from London to Shaftesbury and Rotary was the ideal connection to enable my wife and me to become part of the community.”
Rotary Member
“I did like the openness of how Rotary works, nothing secretive, and the information was clear and positive with no hidden surprises.”
Rotary Member
“The rotary club provides a unique and fun way to do good for your local community and also raises money for major charities.”
Rotary Member
“I particularly warmed to the understanding that Rotarians recognised the priority of family, business and then Rotary in that order”
Rotary Member
“This was a unique opportunity in a small town to join a worldwide club and enjoy the company of Rotarians from so many different backgrounds”
Rotary Member
New Phillip