April Timeline

8th April – A brief review of yesterday’s Fun Run. Despite the wind, we had a good turnout with 120+ runners over the two distances. A multitude of compliments from the runners on the course, organisation and their enjoyment of the day. Overall, a successful event and the club voted unanimously to book a date for next year. Thanks to the Abbey and Shaftesbury Primary RotaKids for assisting on the day.
We then received a talk and slide from Rtn Phil on a recent visit to India. What a contrast of lifestyles living side by side in New Delhi and Old Delhi – the fortresses, palaces, temples and shrines alongside the rubbish and waste, shanties and homeless.
22nd April – We met for a business meeting and our AGM. We had a further report on the success of our inaugural Fun Run, discussed arrangements for our Cycle Ride and agreed on some donations.
The new Abbey School RotaKids Club met for the first time on Thursday 25th April. This is the third club to be formed this year. Each term, a new club is operating, as so many pupils wish to be involved. Unfortunately, several members were unable to attend, due to other school commitments. The club elected its new President, Treasurer and Club Secretary. They then set about planning their projects for this term. They came up with lots of ideas for possible projects that will be discussed further at the next meeting. It has already been decided that they will help run skills tests for the Family Ride at the forthcoming North Dorset Cycle Ride on Sunday May 19th. They also hope to organise a joint project with the RotaKids from Shaftesbury Primary School.
28th April – St Georges Dinner at The Heritage Suite organised jointly with the Freemasons, and raising funds for BAD (Brave and Determined). An excellent three course meal, with a sumptuous raffle and live music to rock the night away by the Cabin Band.
30th April – Fire Station visit where some brave souls climbed the three-stage ladder, used the hydraulic shears and jack on car doors, or the hoses at full bore. We retired to The Heritage suite after for a Thai take-away. Thanks to Dorset Fire for the guided visit.