March Timeline
11th March – Plans are well underway for forthcoming St George’s Dinner, Fire Station visit, Fun Run & the Annual Cycle Ride.
Roxy Gale told us about BooBs, which started in Shaftesbury ten years ago and became a registered charity in 2018. Their primary aim is to raise awareness, and help both women and men with early signs of breast cancer. They go even further; providing emotional support, funding for counselling and access to therapies and treatments as well as specialist bras, wigs, travel expenses and general well-being and memories. Their doors are always open. Their latest project is the opening of BBCA shop at 7a Salisbury Street, giving them a permanent office, fund-raising opportunity, and a meeting room for groups and counselling sessions.

Home – BooBs – Breast Cancer Awareness (
16th March – Youth Speaks. Two teams from our local heats took part in the District Final.
Rose, our Intermediate Young Chef Winner, also came second in the District Final and then progressed to the National Final on March 16th.
22nd March – Abbey Primary’s RotaKids ran a fundraising bingo event, the second similar event run by the RotaKids at the school. The whole school took part in two sessions. RotaKid Ronnie was the caller, whilst the other RotaKids acted as the runners; helping the younger pupils, checking winning lines and awarding prizes. The event was really successful and also raised a significant sum for local charity. For more information courtesy of Blackmore Vale Digital see –

23rd March – The Head Teacher of Abbey Primary School, Michael Salisbury, addressed our District Conference about the success of the RotaKids initiative at Abbey Primary and how the programme contributes to the social development of his pupils. Michael highlighted that 46 RotaKids are taking part this year, as the launch of the programme had been so well received last year. Each term now sees a new group of pupils taking part; with a new President, Treasurer and Club Secretary being elected. This year the club has already organised a litter pick in the town together with Shaftesbury Primary RotaKids, a ‘purple’ fundraising day in school and the fundraising bingo afternoon. Abbey Primary and Shaftesbury Primary RotaKids will be supporting local Rotarians in organising the forthcoming Easter Fun Runs and North Dorset Cycle Ride.
25th March – Business as usual with plans moving forward for the imminent Fun Run, St George’s Dinner, Fire Station visit and Cycle Ride. A busy April & May ahead!