12th – Business Meeting
Part of our last meeting of the year was set aside for one of our members, Philip Proctor who is also a town councillor reporting on their work through Covid and aspirations for the future Improving Parks and amenities in the Town. Full details can be found on www.shaftesbury-tc.gov.uk
15th – Rotary Christmas Bingo
Over a 100 people attended, some for the first time, all enjoyed themselves getting their eyes down and fully immersing themselves in each game. There were some fantastic prizes donated by local businesses and friends, the ‘jewel in the crown’ a fantastic hamper donated by Virginia Hayward. Over £600 was raised for local charities, which during these hard times will be well appreciated. We would like to thank all the volunteers, the newly formed Abbey CofE Primary School RotaKids, The Youth Club, Mike Shoemark the caller and all those who attended to support the event.
18th – Christmas Lunch
Rotarians, Partners and guests arrived at the Rushmore Golf Club Restaurant in atrocious weather for the final meeting of the year.
As you would expect it was traditional with crowns and crackers and a great atmosphere. Bernard kept us laughing with his own unique brand of humour and the raffle raised £100.00 towards Dutch twinning visit from Heerlen in September 2023.