
12th – Zoom Meeting

This was our AGM

26th – Zoom Meeting

We met again by Zoom for what we hope will be one of our final on-line meetings, before we are once more able to meet face to face. Plans are in hand for this, as soon as we are allowed to do so legally and in safety for all.
We have taken the opportunity of lockdown to prepare ourselves for the future. So we continued our discussions tonight and have almost finalised our plans.

Gold Hill Fair is Coming!



Business Partner Letter

Dear Business Partner,
As we near the end of the current lockdown and begin to see our restrictions relaxed I thought it a good time to update you on how we at Shaftesbury Rotary Club have fared since Christmas and inform you of some of our plans for 2021.
We have been far from idle, meeting every two weeks on zoom and busy volunteering at the Sturminster Newton Covid Vaccination centre. We have also continued to assist those in need of a helping hand in these difficult times and recognised those who have stood out as shining lights in our community by awarding certificates of appreciation.
As I write, we have received the welcome news that Dorset Council has approved our request to proceed with our main fund raising events this year, namely the North Dorset Cycle Ride and Gold Hill Festival.
The North Dorset Cycle Ride takes place on Sunday 16th May 2021 and I am delighted to invite you to attend either as a participant, a course marshal/assistant, or just to come along and enjoy the day with us.
The renamed and relocated Gold Hill Festival will take place on Sunday 4th July 2021 at Barton Hill Recreation Ground and will include Live Music – Shaftesbury’s got Talent – Food and Craft Stalls and all day Family Entertainment, and I am sure it will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our return to near normality and rekindle our sense of fun and freedom.
The details of all events and club activity are available on our website which I hope you will have a look at as it is being updated and reviewed to be more informative and accessible.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and assure you that your partnership with Shaftesbury Rotary Club continues to create a valuable force for good in our community.
My very best wishes
Steve Uden


21st-24th April 2017 – Heerlen Visit

We met our fifteen Dutch visitors from the train at Gillingham and then welcomed them to our homes.
On the Saturday morning we all met at the band hall car park and travelled by coach to Bristol. We were given a guided tour around the SS Great Britain. Many of our own members had of course seen around the ship before but the guided tour taught us much that we hadn’t known. Our tour of the ship and the museum was followed by a lunch of soup and sandwiches. In the afternoon we travelled by coach to Clifton and looked at the suspension bridge. The afternoon was sunnier and warmer than any of us had expected. Most of our group made their way down from the bridge and back to the centre of town enjoying a visit to the Red Lodge. A few got lost and travelled via a few bars, to meet the rest of the party at the Aqua restaurant for an early evening meal. We then all returned to Shaftesbury by coach.
After a great day out in Bristol, a later Sunday morning morning start was most welcome when we made the visit to Haines motor museum. The highlight of the tour for most including our visitors was to find the cars that you had previously owned, quite a trip down memory lane. Returning to Shaftesbury Win & Fred gave a tour and commentary on the ” Blue Plaques” that adorn many of the Town’s buildings. In the evening we all met at the Fleur restaurant for an enjoyable three course meal with wine. The evening involved many members of the club who hadn’t had the chance to host and was relaxed and rich with friendship.
Finally on the Monday morning we said farewell to our guests and wished them a safe return home from Gillingham restaurant. It had been a very successful twinning weekend.



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May 18, 2025
April 6, 2025
February 13, 2025
January 22, 2025
“I am a member of Shaftesbury Rotary for fun and friendship while at the same time feeling I am doing something worthwhile for our community.”
Rotary Member
“My family business moved from London to Shaftesbury and Rotary was the ideal connection to enable my wife and me to become part of the community.”
Rotary Member
“I did like the openness of how Rotary works, nothing secretive, and the information was clear and positive with no hidden surprises.”
Rotary Member
“The rotary club provides a unique and fun way to do good for your local community and also raises money for major charities.”
Rotary Member
“I particularly warmed to the understanding that Rotarians recognised the priority of family, business and then Rotary in that order”
Rotary Member
“This was a unique opportunity in a small town to join a worldwide club and enjoy the company of Rotarians from so many different backgrounds”
Rotary Member
New Phillip